Who We Are
We derive the name String Theory from our belief that the ENTIRE Bible is connected. Much like a huge wall tapestry, every letter of every word is perfectly and completely meshed into the whole - and that with careful study, we are able to find the 'strings' that unravel the mysteries of the Holy Word of G-d. Our motivation for such meticulous study comes from Proverbs 25:2 'It is the glory of G-d to conceal a matter, and the honor of kings is to search it out.'
What We Believe
We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) IS the promised Messiah and that G-d raised Him from the dead on Yom Habikkurim (Day of Early First fruits), and that He will return to establish His Kingdom.
We believe that the role, function, purpose and actions of Yeshua CANNOT be properly or fully understood in the absence of Tanakh (wrongly called the 'Old Testament') as well as the writings of the Hebrew sages; Targums, Mishnah, Talmud, etc.
We believe in observing the Moedim (Appointed Times) as required by G-d in the Torah; as well as Purim and Chanukkah, spoken of in Esther and Maccabees.
We believe that the Believer CAN attain perfection in THIS lifetime (Hebrew: T'mim - Flawless)
What We Teach
We teach that the Believer should learn/understand the Bible in the original languages. This is the ONLY way to detect when the English translations may be in error. In the words of the Israeli poet Chaim Bialik "reading the Bible in translation is like a man kissing his new bride through a veil."
We teach that Hebrew letters and their numeric counterparts are interconnected and inseparable from each other, and that one is NOT to be considered without the other - they BOTH have significance.
We teach that the Believer should APPLY the Scriptures in their ENTIRETY, so that each will learn and grow to full maturity.
We teach that neither Yeshua OR Rav Shaul (Paul) taught against Torah - that the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant) was written by Jewish authors for an audience that would have understood them in this context.
Where We Came From
String Theory Bible Study is the end result of a calling that began in 2004. At that time, several members of an outreach ministry in a local church, began to recognize that something was 'missing' from our Bible Study group...namely, a Hebraic understanding of the Bible. After a few weeks, and with the blessing of our outreach ministry leadership, we organized a weekly Bible Study at what we came to refer as our 'off-site corporate location' - the rest of the world just calls it Starbucks.
As the study continued for the next year or so, we ultimately outgrew even the legendary Starbucks, and several individuals came forth to offer us the Fellowship Hall at their church. Out of this move came some new challenges, but when the mask was removed from what looked like chaos, our hearts and minds became as one. And now, not only could we come together to study the Word of G-d, but with the addition of the kitchen area we could prepare meals for our participants each week. For the next 2 years, Sword Play, as it was then called, created unforgettable moments of His presence in our 'new church home.'
In the end however, even this proved to be only temporary, as we ended up going back to our favorite 'off-site corporate location'....Starbucks. What we learned at Starbucks is that it is an environment where non-believers could not only comfortably listen in from afar, but also participate in our lessons and discussions, which in a 'church' setting would have never taken place. In just that type of non-threatening atmosphere, we had some of the most memorable times, experienced many 'G-d moments' and made some lasting friendships.
Presently, we are meeting in a much more intimate setting, which allows us the flexibility to not only teach a Bible Study, but to enjoy Shabbat (Sabbath) Dinner. We now can use the combination of food and fellowship as a wonderful teaching tool on the beauty, history and importance...of the Jewish table.
Wonderfully well put!
: )
To all visitors: please consider coming to one of our Friday night Shabbat dinner and Bible Study. I think you'll enjoy the meal and fellowship followed up with spending time in G_d's word and learning the meaning and the "intention" of the word from an Hebraic viewpoint. I get excited when I learn what G_d is really saying to us. It's a relaxed, friendly atmosphere and you won't hesitate to ask questions. Even "baby" Christians enjoy the teaching - they're learning from the original writings. We'd love to have you join us; no matter where you are in your walk with G_d and the journey through life.
Vee Miller
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