Genesis 1:1
בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
Ha'Eretz V'et Ha'Shamayim Et Elohim Bara B'reshit
the Earth Yeshua The Heavens Yeshua Elohim created In the Beginning
(with a VAV) (Plurality of G-d)
To get the BIG picture of what this verse is really saying, we must first understand some basic Hebrew. As we have stated in some of our other posts, EVERY letter in Hebrew has multiple meanings - which could be as many as 7. Every WORD, on the other hand, could possibly have 70 or so different definitions. All of this serves to make Hebrew a seemingly complicated language, at least by our Western standards, but when you factor in the Hebrew is a PICTURE makes it much less cumbersome.
So let's get started shall we?
First, we notice that this verse (even though chapter and verse numbers were added MUCH later and vary by tradition) contains EXACTLY 7 words - 7 signifying the COMPLETENESS of G-d. Specifically take a look at the word in the FOURTH place....ET, or the letters Aleph and Tav in Hebrew. These are the first (Aleph) and last (Tav) letters in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet or Alphabet. The word ET in Hebrew is untranslatable into English and grammatically is a particle known as 'a sign of the definite direct object, generally preceding and indicating the accusative.' In the Book of Isaiah, 3 times G-d refers to Himself as the First and the Last (41:4, 44:6 and 48:12), and in Revelation 22:13, Yeshua says '"I am the Alpha
So now that we can recognize the ET (Aleph and Tav) in this verse as Yeshua, look specifically at the PLACEMENT of the we mentioned, the FOURTH word. According to Genesis 1, what was created on the FOURTH day? The SUN and the MOON! But it's SUN...not SON - right? Not so fast! Take a look at Malachi 4:2(a) "But for you who fear
Immediately AFTER the ET is the word Ha'Shamayim, or The Heavens - meaning, G-d and Yeshua were in the Heavens.
The SIXTH word in Genesis 1:1 is very similar to the ET (Aleph and Tav), but there is a letter in front of it...called a Vav. The Vav is the SIXTH letter of the Hebrew Aleph-bet, and one of its' meanings is nail...yes, NAIL! Remember, Hebrew is a PICTURE language - so the picture being created with the SIXTH word, is of Yeshua (Aleph and Tav) with a NAIL (Vav). And what was created on the SIXTH day? Mankind! So you have the Sixth word (V'et - Yeshua with a nail), beginning with the Sixth letter (Vav), and man being created on the Sixth day....3 sixes, or 3 nails! Anyone see a NEED for a Savior? G-d knew the number of the beast LONG before Revelation was written - and sent us His Messiah to defeat it!
Which brings us to the last word in this verse...Ha'Eretz - the Earth.
Let's recap - a FULL understanding of Genesis 1:1 would give the following:
In the beginning
the plurality of G-d
including Yeshua
in the Heavens
then Nail+Yeshua
on the Earth.
Go and read Revelation 13:8 one more time and see if it has a DIFFERENT meaning now that you understand Genesis 1:1 correctly...that Yeshua WAS slain before the Foundation of the world.
Thank you for reading and SHALOM!