Esther Code


            What you are about to read is the culmination of the efforts of many hours, days, weeks and perhaps years of study by scholars far more notable and laborious than myself.  I only wish that I could express how I feel at the uncovering of Esther’s Code; at first it was disbelief, then that turned into a mission to disprove what I had seen, finally it was acceptance of Esther’s Code as what it is – the handwriting of God.  For reasons unbeknownst and indescribable, God has chosen this day – November 8, 2006, the eve of the 68th commemoration of Krystal Nacht (the night of broken glass), to make clear what has been hidden within the text of Esther. 

            To think that Esther was almost excluded from the canon simply because it never mentions God, especially in light of what it contains, brings both a sense of joy and of curious sadness; the joy because the secrets of Esther have now been made known, and the sadness, because Esther has always been about God, and His unending covenant with the people Israel – whether mentioned by name or not.  The debate over the canonization of Esther is also a story of the triumph of those who heard His voice, and unswervingly stayed the course, no matter what the consequences, to make certain that Esther became a part of our Scriptures.

To all those who have come before me, may this work be a reflection of your keen mind, determined study and tireless pursuit of God.  To all who will come after me, may this work inspire you to study – to discover what may lie behind every letter, and uncover what may be concealed within even the most often read texts.

The Esther Code

            For many centuries chapter 9, vs. 7-15 of the Book of Esther has been read by some as merely a statement of fact, and by others as a less than historically accurate, if not altogether fanciful account.  However, after October 16, 1946 it has been read by at least a  handful of serious scholars, those who believe that the Scriptures were written by God through man, as perhaps a prophecy of events that transpired that day.

            You see, in 1946, after the close of World War II, a Military Tribunal Court convened in Nuremburg, Germany to try suspected Nazi war criminals.  After over 200 witnesses and many months of testimony, the four judges, representing the four superpower nations, delivered their verdicts to the first set of defendants on October 1, 1946.  Out of all the defendants of that first trial, twelve were sentenced to hang, one of them (Martin Bormann) being ‘tried in absentia’ (not present), leaving 11 to face the gallows – scheduled for October 16.

            By the morning of October 16, 1946, the Allies ‘trophy prisoner’, Hermann Goring was dead, of an apparent suicide the night before his scheduled execution – leaving just 10 to make the solemn walk to meet their fate.  One of those sentenced to hang, Julius Streicher, was in such a frenzied state of mind that he had to be forcibly taken to the gallows, and, when faced with the ultimatum of soon breathing his last, he, according to published reports, shouted the words ‘Purimfest 1946’ - which is where the Book of Esther comes in.

            As you know, the Book of Esther is the story that instituted and implemented Purim, the Aramaic word for lots, a festival continually observed by Jews around the globe to this day.  And since Purim, being observed around March, would have been months away from the events of October 16, 1946, it is quite a mystery why one would shout ‘Purimfest’ in ones last few remaining moments on earth?  Was it a clue?  Was he simply trying to suggest that his lot had been drawn?  Or did he know something that was previously unknown to all the world?  We will try to answer this question.

            The Hebrew in the 7th through 9th verses of chapter 9 in the Book of Esther is perhaps both the clue and the answer.  These are the well known verses which list the names of the 10 sons of Haman the Agagite.  Haman, as the story goes, after being angered by the lack of submission of Mordecai (the uncle of Queen Esther), deceived King Ahasuerus into signing a decree that ordered the extermination of all Jews throughout the Persian Empire.  Thankfully, albeit reluctantly, Queen Esther pleads with the King and finally acknowledges herself as a Jew, thus convincing King Ahasuerus to issue a decree which will allow the Jews to defend themselves against those who will attempt to carry out the original edict.  In the end, Haman is sent to the gallows which he had built for Mordecai, and his 10 sons are also killed.  But in a stunning response to a question from her husband, Queen Esther asks that the 10 sons of Haman “be hanged tomorrow”  -  which takes us back to the Hebrew text and the prophecy that is contained therein.

            As I mentioned earlier, many scholars have carefully studied the text of these verses – and noticed striking similarities between the events of Esther and the hangings of October 16, 1946.  After all, it is the same number of men, the same crime, and even the same method of execution.  In fact, through a not too complicated mathematical calculation of the Hebrew in the verses, you can arrive at the number 1946.  But is this all just an odd coincidence or is there something more?  A closer look at the text of verses 7 thru 9 reveals an interesting pattern - the names of 3 of Hamans’ sons contain Hebrew letters that are written smaller than the rest of the text in each of the remaining names.  In fact, one of these same names has a letter that is much larger than any other letter in the surrounding text.  But is there something more?  Is the Gregorian date of 1946 accurate?  And could a text, written centuries before even the Julian calendar, contain a date that would be recognized by Westerners?  We shall see.

            In the following pages, you will see, as best as I can recreate, the Hebrew of these verses and the method of deciphering what I will call Esther’s Code.  And in a final, sobering note, the 16th of October, 1946 was the seventh day of the Feast of Sukkot, or, more commonly known as the Feast of Tabernacles.  It is on this day, according to a centuries old tradition in Judaism, a day called Hoshanna Rabbah, that the final sealing of judgment which began on Rosh Hashanah is complete and the verdict is passed.

à         ú      ã       ð       ù        ø      ô                  1
1        400    4    50     300   200    80

                                                 ð       å        ô      ì      ã                    2
                                                50     6     80     30      4

                                                à         ú     ô      ñ      à                   3
                                       1       400  80     60     1                               

                                                à         ú       ø     å        ô                 4
                                      1         400  200   6       80

                                      à       é       ì        ã      à                   5
                                      1    10     30      200    1

                             à         ú     ã       é        ø      à                   6
                             1        400    4    10     200    1

                             à         ú       ù      î        ø      ô                 7
                              1       400   300  40    200    80

                                       é       ñ      é         ø     à                     8
                                      10     60  10      200   1

                                                 é       ã        ø     à                    9
                                                10      4     200   1

                                      à         ú        æ         é       å              10
                                      1        400    7       10      6

Deciphering Esther’s Code

1         Add the numeric values of the letters in red

2         Add the numbers of the sum together

3         Add the numbers of this sum together

4         Take the current year on the Hebrew calendar 5767 (2006) and subtract 60 years to account for the difference from 1946 to 2006

5         Now take the sum in instruction #3 and place it before the sum from instruction #1

Also, if you were to add the columns in which the seemingly malformed letters appear, something quite unique happens –
the å is in the first column
the æ is in the third column
the ù is in the fourth column
lastly, the ú is in the sixth column
by adding the numbers of the columns together
Then adding those digits together

Since there are two different ways to arrive at the same number, this significantly alters the chances of the code being a random coincidence.

Ok, now that we have the year, let’s see if we can determine a specific date

6         Add the numbers together from line 1

7         Subtract from the sum, the numeric value for the ú in line 1

8         Add the numbers together from line 7

9         Subtract from the sum, the numeric value for the ù in line 7

10      Add the numbers together from line 10

11      Subtract from the sum, the numeric value for the æ AND the numeric value for the å in line 10
            *the reason to subtract the Zayin as well as the Vav from line 10 is because
            they are both written in a different size compared with the rest of the letters
            in this section

12      Now add the new totals of lines 1, 7 and 10

13      Add each of the digits from the sum together

                 Ok, so now we have a day and the year – but what month?

14      The month of Tishri is either the first or the seventh month, depending on how you count the months.  So look at the first line that has a superscript letter, it just
            happens to be line 1 – could this indicate the first month?

15      The next line with a superscript letter is line 7 – this would indicate that Tishri is
            still being referred to, no matter how the months are counted

16      The last line, line 10, also has a superscript AND a subscript letter and if you add
            the digits together that make up 10
            and you have another 1

So whether you count the months beginning with Tishri, making it the first month, or begin with Nisan, making it the seventh month it would appear that The Esther Code has both into consideration